Monday, May 21, 2007


Relativity !!!
Believe me !! this write-up has no reference to Einsteins theory.

I remember one of my friends stating that he would get married once he is settled in his life. I asked him what did he mean by getting settled. He told me that he has to have a good job, good bank balance, and a feel that he has acheived something. When I thought over, I realised that this feeling of getting settled in life is a mere feeling - nothing apart from that. And its quite relative and varies from person to person.

This made me think of the other aspects of life. Whatever may be the subject, its depth varies from person to person. If am satisfied with my job, its not necessary that another person working with the same profile, is satisfied. Every person has his own levels when it comes to satisfaction. And the best part is, humans are never satisfied.

People start comparing themselves with others on aspects like wealth, health, nature of job they do, etc. Parents even compare their children with those of their colleagues. Its a common thing among parents, that they question their children about the 3 marks they missed, which had put them behind one of his/her classmates. Have seen people fight over wealth that has been inherited from parents.

So ?? Why compare ourselves with others and get ourselves into trouble. So ?? Is this comparison not required ??
The answer would be a "no". If comparison is not there, innovation would not be there. People invent or discover new concepts and technology, when they think of improvising on already existing ones. Guinness records are made when people want to project themselves different from others. Competitions are lively just because of the urge to excel one another.

Healthy competitions are good. But when the comparison is incidental, then its a waste of time. One understanding is required. Everything under the sky is relative. If I say, that I have a good pen to write with, someone else might have a better pen. If I say, that I have got the biggest car in the world, someone else could manufacture a bigger one tomorrow. Similar way, everything is just relative to something else. Its very important that we stop comparing things and give the best when we do something. When we try to excel over others, we fail to do so in most cases, and end up performing below our levels.

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